User manual Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable with Touch-Activated Display (English (2024)

View the manual for the Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable with Touch-Activated Display here, for free. This manual comes under the category coffee makers and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 8. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable with Touch-Activated Display or do you need help?Ask your question here

The Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable with Touch-Activated Display is a coffee maker available in the en_US market. This coffee maker is designed to brew up to 14 cups of coffee at a time and comes with a touch-activated display for easy control and programming. The device is made with high-quality materials to ensure durability and reliability over time. Its sleek and modern design fits well in any kitchen setting. The Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable with Touch-Activated Display features programmable settings, allowing users to set the coffee maker to automatically brew coffee at a specific time. This is a convenient feature for those who want to wake up to a fresh cup of coffee in the morning. Additionally, it comes equipped with a large water reservoir, eliminating the need for constant refilling. The coffee maker also has a pause and serve function, which allows users to pour a cup of coffee while the machine is still brewing.While specific specifications for the Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable with Touch-Activated Display are not provided, it is designed to meet the needs of users who desire a convenient and reliable coffee maker that can brew a large quantity of coffee. Overall, the Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable with Touch-Activated Display is a coffee maker that offers convenience, reliability, and a sleek design, making it a suitable choice for coffee lovers.

Model14-Cup Programmable with Touch-Activated Display
Productcoffee maker
FiletypeUser manual (PDF)

Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable with Touch-Activated Display below.

How often should I descale my coffee maker?

How often a coffee machine needs to be descaled depends on how often it is used and the hardness of the water. If hard water is used it is recommended to descale once a month, if soft water is used once a quarter is sufficient.

What is the best way to descale my coffee maker?

To descale the coffee maker, it is recommended to use a liquid descaling agent which is labelled as suitable for coffee machines.

What is espresso?

Espresso is a small amount of concentrated coffee.

How long can I keep coffee beans?

The best-before date can be found on the packaging of the coffee beans. This best-before date applies as long as the bag is closed.

What is the best way to store coffee?

It is recommended to store coffee in an airtight and clean container.

What does the grind say about the taste of the coffee?

How the coffee beans are ground strongly influences the taste of the coffee. If the coffee beans are very finely ground you will have a stronger taste and if the grind is coarser you will have a milder taste.

How do I set the clock on the coffee maker?

To set the clock on your Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable coffee maker with Touch-Activated Display, press the menu button until "Clock" appears on the display. Then, use the up and down arrows to adjust the hours and minutes. Press the menu button again to save the time.

Why is the coffee maker not brewing coffee?

If your coffee maker is not brewing coffee, ensure that the water reservoir is filled to the desired level and that the coffee grounds are properly placed in the filter basket. Additionally, double-check that the brew strength and brew time settings are appropriately configured. If the issue persists, ensure that the machine is securely plugged into a power outlet.

How do I adjust the brew strength of my coffee?

To adjust the brew strength on your Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable coffee maker, press the menu button until "Brew Strength" appears on the display. Then, use the up and down arrows to select your desired strength: regular, bold, or 1-4 cups. Press the menu button again to confirm your selection.

How do I clean my coffee maker?

Cleaning your coffee maker is essential to maintain optimal performance. Begin by removing and discarding any used coffee grounds and filters. Then, wipe the exterior surfaces with a damp cloth. For a thorough clean, mix equal parts of vinegar and water and pour it into the water reservoir. Run a brew cycle without coffee grounds to clean the internal components. Finally, rinse the reservoir and run a brew cycle with fresh water to eliminate any remaining vinegar.

How do I program the coffee maker to automatically brew coffee in the morning?

To program your Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable coffee maker for automatic brewing, press the menu button until "Program" appears on the display. Use the up and down arrows to set the desired auto-brew time. Press the menu button again to select the hours or minutes, and adjust them accordingly. Finally, press the program button to activate the automatic brewing feature. Remember to ensure that the water reservoir is filled and the coffee grounds are in place before the programmed time.

Is the manual of the Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable with Touch-Activated Display available in English?

Yes, the manual of the Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable with Touch-Activated Display is available in English .

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User manual Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable with Touch-Activated Display (English (2024)


How do you change the time on a beautiful coffee maker? ›

To set the clock on your Beautiful 14-Cup Programmable coffee maker with Touch-Activated Display, press the menu button until "Clock" appears on the display. Then, use the up and down arrows to adjust the hours and minutes. Press the menu button again to save the time.

How do you use a manual coffee maker? ›

Place the filter in the manual drip brewer and add the coffee grounds. Slowly and steadily pour the hot water over the coffee grounds, making sure to saturate them evenly. Allow the coffee to bloom, letting it sit for about 30 seconds to release trapped gases.

How much coffee do I put in a 14 cup coffee maker? ›

For optimal results, adjust the Golden Ratio of one to two tablespoons of coffee grounds per six ounces of water to meet your taste preferences. For example, use 8 tablespoons for a 10-cup pot, 9 tablespoons for a 12-cup pot, and 10 tablespoons for a 14-cup pot.

How many grams of coffee for a 14 cup coffee maker? ›

How much coffee per cup? Measures and Ratios
Cups (brewed, 5 fl. oz. each)Grams of coffeeTablespoons
5 more rows

How many ounces of coffee are in a 14 cup coffee maker? ›

A 10 cup carafe when filled to the 10 cup level will hold approximately 50 fl oz, the 12 cup carafe will hold approximately 60 fl oz, and the 14 cup carafe will hold approximately 70 fl oz.

How much vinegar do you put in a 14 cup coffee maker to clean it? ›

How to Clean a Coffee Maker
  1. Add up to 4 cups of undiluted vinegar to the reservoir.
  2. Let stand 30 minutes.
  3. Run the vinegar through a brewing cycle.
  4. Follow with two to three cycles of fresh water until the vinegar smell is gone.

How many times should I run vinegar through my coffee maker? ›

The general practice is to run vinegar through your coffee maker once, followed by two rinse cycles with water. But if you have stubborn scale or residue, you can repeat the vinegar steps prior to the water rinses. Fill the water chamber with plain water, and run it through the system for a full brew cycle.

How do you reset the Mr coffee switch? ›

Step 1: Unplug your Wemo Coffeemaker. Step 2: Press and hold the RESTORE button. Step 3: While pressing the RESTORE button, plug the unit back in. Step 4: After 10 seconds, release the RESTORE button.

How do you reset the time on Mr coffee? ›

Use two fingers to hold down both the hour AND the minute buttons for 10 seconds, then release.

How does a programmable coffee maker work? ›

A programmable coffee maker automatically brews fresh coffee at whatever time you want. You have to fill the reservoir with water and the filter basket with ground coffee ahead of time, but then the machine heats the water and does the brewing by itself so you can wake up to fresh, steaming coffee.

What is the prog button on a coffee maker? ›

The program button. basically remembers your extraction time. or how long it's going to pull your espresso shot. If you're dialing in a double shot like I am, you just press the program button. and then the double shot button to start.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Views: 6756

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.